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"Hello, Boston!" P1

I thought I would be like all the movies I had seen, when people finally arrived in the US, they will shout out with all kinds of emotions--"AMERICA!!".

Things finally becoming smooth anyhow, I think it is time to make a short summary about -- Who I am, Where I am, Why I am here. %我是谁!?我在哪!?我为什么会在这!?%

<Confirm your identification>

<Found the institution>

<Prepare for the visa>

<The endless administrator processing>

<Restarting hurry hurry! You are running out of time>

<Take off the ride>

<OK, let's concern about your life and your research now>

First question who am I, I am a 'miss engineering'. This story began with me entering Ochanomizu University, leading graduate school. One of the topic and goal for our department is is to train global woman leader, they train me about team work, and provide for me to go a more professional place to go deep in and break out little circle, gain experience and grow. With the support of my department. I can apply a most professional institution or laboratory for a short-term internship no matter where it is on earth.

With the funding, It is time to collect information.

I selected Surgical Plan Laboratory(SPL) to get training of skills of developing surgery method in engineering approaching. Thanks to my supervisor Dr. Ohta, he gave me lots of information and options. The most important, he always don't be afraid to chase my dream.

Lucky as me, I got accepted by SPL after 2 Skype interviews. Once with Dr. Hata, once with Dr. Tokuda. I thought that is final, too young, too simple.

Applying visa from zero to zero.

When I had provided all the documents Partner Health required and got the DS-2019 form, I thought it is done but never did I respect, visa applying almost kill me half after that. Paying and make the appointment with the embassy was not difficult, but devil is in the details. I regretted so much time that I didn't pay enough attention of the mail embassy sent me after finish appointment. So I just bring the required documents on embassy home page without CV, which directly leads my applying has to face administrative processing.

Administrative processing, also called pending, checked. Is the first nightmare to J-appliers. All the preparations for departure went nothing. You feel dumb for how expect you had been, how much you paid for the ticket, how hard you found the apartment. At the first several days when I checked visa status, before input the case number I must pray to god. After three weeks, I no more feel anything about update. I felt nothing after that, even when the status finally got issued.

However, it finally got issued just like the sun finally raised up.

(To be continued)

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